List of Checklist of Apache Solr Configuration to Improve Solr Performance

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Solr Configuration Files

  • solrconfig.xml:
    • Cache Configuration: Properly configure filter cache, query result cache, and document cache to optimize memory usage and reduce disk I/O.
    • Commit Settings: Configure auto-commit and auto-soft commit settings to balance between indexing latency and search freshness.
    • Query Settings: Optimize settings for queryResultWindowSize and queryResultMaxDocsCached.
  • schema.xml:
    • Field Type Definitions: Use appropriate field types and indexing options to minimize indexing overhead.
    • Index Schema: Design your schema to avoid overly complex structures that can degrade performance.

Indexing Performance

  • Document Batch Size: Tune the batch size for optimal indexing performance.
  • Indexing Threads: Configure the number of threads dedicated to indexing processes.
  • Field Storage: Avoid storing fields unless necessary to reduce index size.

Sharding and Replication

  • Shard Number: Determine the optimal number of shards for your index size and query volume.
  • Replication Factor: Set up a replication factor based on your availability and fault tolerance requirements.
  • Load Balancing: Implement load balancing across Solr nodes to evenly distribute query and indexing load.

Solr Cloud Configuration

  • ZooKeeper Setup: Ensure ZooKeeper is properly set up and tuned for managing cluster state.
  • Collection Configuration: Optimize collection settings regarding number of shards and replicas.
  • Fault Tolerance: Implement strategies for handling node failures and ensuring cluster stability.

Upgrade Latest version of Solr

Solr 5.0February 2015Moved to standalone server, eliminating the need for a separate servlet container.
Solr 6.0April 2016Parallel SQL interface for relational-style queries.
Solr 7.0September 2017Major advancements in the Lucene library and simplified cluster management.
Solr 8.0February 2019Enhanced security features and metrics reporting improvements.
Solr 9.02021Removal of deprecated features, and Java 11+ requirement.

Upgrade JRE

Here is a list of some Apache Solr versions and their corresponding minimum supported Java versions in tabular format:

Solr VersionMinimum Java Version
Solr 9.0Java 11
Solr 8.xJava 11
Older Solr Versions (up to Solr 7.x)Java 1.8


This file is central to configuring Solr’s behavior. It includes definitions for handling requests, configuring caches, managing updates, and setting query options.

Cache Configuration

  • Filter Cache: This cache stores the results of filter queries. It can significantly speed up query processing by reusing the results of filters across different queries. Optimal settings depend on your query patterns and available memory. Typically, you’d configure the size (number of entries) and initial size (to avoid the overhead of resizing).
  • Query Result Cache: Caches the results of entire search queries. This is particularly useful when the same search queries are repeated often. However, this cache can be memory-intensive, so it should be configured according to the frequency of repeated queries.
  • Document Cache: Stores frequently accessed documents. This cache is crucial for speeding up document retrieval and reducing hits to the disk, especially for frequently accessed documents.

Commit Settings

  • Auto-commit: Triggers a hard commit automatically after a specified interval or number of added documents. Hard commits make changes persistent but can be expensive in terms of performance.
  • Auto-soft Commit: Triggers a soft commit, which makes documents available for search without performing a full segment merge and without fully persisting to disk. This is faster than a hard commit and ideal for environments where search freshness (the time between document indexing and availability in search results) is critical.

Query Settings

  • queryResultWindowSize: Defines the number of documents returned at a time from a query. A larger window size can improve performance for paginated queries by reducing the number of server trips.
  • queryResultMaxDocsCached: Sets the maximum number of documents that are cached for any result window. Adjusting this setting can reduce the memory footprint but might increase query latency if the cache is hit less frequently.


This file defines the schema of the data: fields, field types, and how fields are indexed and stored.

Field Type Definitions

  • Field Types: Properly define and use field types to reduce indexing overhead. For example, use string types for exact matches and text types for full-text search. Customize field types with appropriate tokenizers and filters to optimize the analysis and indexing process.
  • Indexing Options: Options such as indexed, stored, and docValues should be considered carefully. For instance, setting docValues is excellent for sorting and faceting but increases the indexing overhead.

Index Schema

  • Simplicity in Design: A complex schema can slow down Solr. Simplify the schema by reducing the number of unnecessary fields, multi-valued fields, and deeply nested data structures.
  • Efficient Use of Fields: Use stored fields minimally as they consume more disk space. Instead, leverage docValues where appropriate for sorting and faceting to improve performance.

Memory Allocation

  • JVM Heap Size: Allocate sufficient memory for the Java heap. A good starting point is 50% of your server’s RAM. Use Solr GC logs to monitor usage and adjust the heap size in solrconfig.xml using -Xms and -Xmx parameters.

Schema Management

  • Indexing Fields: Only mark fields as indexed="true" if they are used in queries. Avoid unnecessary indexing to improve performance.
  • Stored Fields: Limit the number of stored fields. Storing large amounts of data can increase index size and slow down searches.

File Descriptor Count

the file descriptor count can significantly impact Solr performance, especially in high-load environments. File descriptors are a finite resource in any operating system that represent open files, sockets, or other I/O channels. In the context of Solr, they are used for open connections to clients, inter-node communication in clustered deployments, and access to on-disk index files.

How File Descriptors Impact Solr Performance

  1. Index File Access: Solr uses file descriptors to access and manipulate index files stored on disk. If the number of available file descriptors is too low, Solr might not be able to open additional files as needed, which can lead to errors or degraded performance.
  2. Network Connections: Solr, particularly in a SolrCloud setup, uses file descriptors for handling network connections. If there are not enough file descriptors, Solr may be unable to accept new client connections or communicate effectively with other nodes in the cluster.
  3. Concurrency and Scalability: The number of file descriptors limits the number of concurrent operations Solr can perform. This limitation is crucial in high-throughput environments where multiple operations or queries are processed simultaneously.

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